"BETTE DAVIS": The divine Bette welcomed this Dublin-born Zero, Dries, Celine collector to the USA...


The style icon who was so much more than style. 

When I was fresh off the boat I was strolling down Fifth Avenue NYC, when I locked gazes with an ancient lady, giving me the most magnificent evil eye. We approached, we stared, we passed by. It was Bette Davis. Four days later she died. OK, she died in France so it can't have been her, nevertheless, I know what I saw. The divine Bette welcomed me to the US of A. I believe she'd have liked my closet. 

Thank you for the image, Ms Davis. This is my real bio. 

I'm from.... Dublin

Now I live in… Los Angeles

Therefore I dress: High fashion/comfort with literary leanings

If I were an item of clothing, I'd be… An anything-but-black dress

Things in my closet I couldn't live without: Shift dresses, all colors, patterns, cuts

I can't resist… An amazing print

I know I shouldn't, but I.... Keep buying repeats

I wouldn't be seen dead in… Jeggings

Designers I love: Dries, Maria Cornejo, Phoebe Philo

Overrated: Vuitton

I am (tall, short, mini, maxi, husky, a model... ): tall

I am (blonde, brunette, ginger, silver, color not found in nature...): Black hair, blue eyes (it's known as "black Irish")

Heels or flats? A low heel

Polished or scrappy? Depends

Sequins or lace? Nope

The best local stores: Fred Segal

Diamonds, pearls or paste? Not a jewelry girl

Tight or roomy? Roomy. Ish

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